
Our Google Business profile and other online platforms have been the target of a smear campaign starting from the 13th of October 2023, in the context of the war in Gaza. We have been bombarded with fake negative reviews, left by people who never set foot in our establishment and only learnt about us when they were asked to defame us. They did that because we dared to show sympathy for “human animals” and “monsters” or “terrorists”, whatever that means.

The Magic Kitchen is a social collaborative enterprise, a restaurant owned and jointly-run by its workers. Magic Kitchen’s team is made up of people who have been born into muslim, jewish or christian families. Some of us still believe in these religions, some of us have let go of them. Some of us identify as leftists while some others do not. Some of us are refugees and immigrants, some of us are locals. We come from Turkey, Greece, Kurdistan, Iraq, Syria and Palestine. We are queer, curious, straight, but always as inclusive as possible. We are young and old. We speak different languages and have different life experiences. In the Magic Kitchen we work together in peaceful, equal horizontal work relations. We try to create living wages for ourselves while providing the people of our city with good food. We take care that our food is sustainable, accessible and cruelty-free.

We serve food to everyone. Through our food, we want to provide love and community to anyone who approaches us with love. We believe that all animals and humans have a right to live freely in their natural environment / homeland. We are against war and colonization. We are against cages where animals are put, and where humans put other humans.

We are vegan because we don’t want to take part in the cruel but widely-accepted practice that keeps animals in extermination camps where they are born and live until they are killed for the satisfaction of other animals. Humans, also, are animals. We are against the cruel but widely-accepted practice of colonialism that keeps humans in concentration camps.

None of us are free until all of us are free!

Magic Kitchen General Assembly October 2023

Monday: Closed
Tuesday to Thursday 12:30-23:00
Friday to Saturday
Sunday 12:30-23:00
+30 2103805290
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